I have code something like this.
I have to move a sprite to particular position and after completion of that action, i want to remove it.
But it is removing it without performing the action. How, to achieve this.
sp is a Sprite
sp->runAction(MoveTo::create(1.0, Vec2(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2)));
auto move = MoveTo::create(1.0, Vec2(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2));
auto moveDone = CallFuncN( CC_CALLBACk_1(ClassName::removeSprite, this) );
sp->runAction( Sequence::create( move, moveDone, NULL ) );
//create a function removeSprite, it will be called after action move is finished
void ClassName::removeSprite(Node* pNode) {