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Applovin identifying Ads type (IOS , objective C)

I have Updated to new Version of Applovin SDK (6.12.2) in IOS. Applovin have the same delegate for All type of ads, and currently the code i am using to identify the ads are deprecated.

- (void)adService:(ALAdService *)adService didLoadAd:(ALAd *)ad
 if ([ad.size.label  isEqual: @"INTER"]) \\ad.size.label is deprecated
        if ([ad.type.label isEqual:@"VIDEOA"])
 NSLog(@"ADS Applovin reward video Cached");
        else  if ([ad.type.label isEqual:@"REGULAR"])
 NSLog(@"ADS Applovin Interstitial Cached");
    else if ([ad.size.label  isEqual: @"LEADER"]) {
    else if ([ad.size.label  isEqual: @"BANNER"]) {

ad.size.label is deprecated so is there any new way to get the ads type?


  • This should help:

    to detect regular interstitials:

    if ( ad.size == ALAdSize.interstitial && ad.type == ALAdType.regular )

    to detect rewarded ads:

    if ( ad.size == ALAdSize.interstitial && ad.type == ALAdType.incentivized )

    to detect banner ads:

    if ( ad.size == ALAdSize.banner )