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Remove <soapenv:Header> from payload in XML route

I am looking for solution how to remove <soapenv:Header> part from SOAP request using XML-based routing (Apache Camel Blueprint XML).

So this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:net="..." xmlns:soapenv="">

shall become just this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:net="..." xmlns:soapenv="">

I think I found java-based solution, also xslt-based solution, but I dont find them quite suitable for my project, and I still hope there is some simple way how to do it directly in XML route without creating java processing class or adding XSLT template.

I was trying <removeHeaders pattern="_something_"/> but either I cant figure out the correct "something", or this command only applies to headers above payload section...


  • In Blueprint you can get the body of the XML by using XPATH. Something like this:

    <setProperty propertyName="MessageBody">

    Then you could reconstruct your message with the envelop tag.


    This will only work if your Envelope tag is a constant.