I have a TableViewer with last column which has EditingSupport to edit the cell's value. The viewer has style set to FULL_SELECTION. Once I click on the cell, the text value is fully selected:
I can start editing, it will clear off the current value "max value"
and start new value.
However, If i want to move the mouse to a specific position to edit, I need to give a delay of a sec or so. If I click too fast right after the first click to select, the cell will be deselected.
Is there any way to avoid that? Can I make the cell not fully selected ? or always have the caret to the end of the text ? Thanks!
I assume you are using TextCellEditor
as the cell editor.
Create your own class extending TextCellEditor
and override the doSetFocus
class to be something like:
protected void doSetFocus()
if (text != null) {
text.setSelection(0, 0);