I am finding some difficulties trying to perform this SQL query (on Microsoft SQL Server) into a Java appliction.
So I have this method that perform a simple select query:
public void insertOrUpdate_TIRConsolidatoPolizza(QS_TirPolizza qsTir) throws Exception {
// Reperisce i parametri della query dal parametro passato:
String numeroPolizza = qsTir.getPolizzaid().toString();
Long annoRiferimento = qsTir.getAnnoRiferimento();
String dataRiferimentoNav = qsTir.getDataRiferimentoNav() != null ? "'"+qsTir.getDataRiferimentoNav()+"'" : null;
String timestamp = qsTir.getTimestamp() != null ? "'"+qsTir.getTimestamp()+"'" : null;
String sql = "select * from TirConsolidatoPolizza" +
" where Polizzaid = " + numeroPolizza +
" and DataRiferimentoNav = " + dataRiferimentoNav;
log.debug("Query: " + sql);
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement( sql );
log.debug("Eseguo Query");
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
The String sql variable value is (I see it printing it by log.debug()):
select * from TirConsolidatoPolizza where Polizzaid = 9999999999 and DataRiferimentoNav = 'Thu Jun 23 10:36:43 CEST 2016'
This query can't work because it seems that I have a problem with the DataRiferimentoNav value.
I obtain the following error message:
10:42:41 [SELECT - 0 row(s), 0.000 secs] [Error Code: 241, SQL State: S0001] Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
The DataRiferimentoNav (it is a datetime on the db table) value is taken from the qsTir.getDataRiferimentoNav() object field that is a String (I can't change it) representing a date and that was setted in this way elsewhere in my code:
qsTir.setDataRiferimentoNav(new Date().toString());
So, what is wrong? What am I missing? How can I solve this issue and correctly perform my query?
You need to proper format the date to be understood by the database:
Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String formatted = formatter.format(qsTir.getDataRiferimentoNav());
Ideally, you should avoid concatenating SQL as this can lead you to SQL injection vulnerabilities. Try to use parameterized queries to achieve your goal.