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d3 adding html links to a column of data in a table

I'm new to d3 and Javascript and I am trying to add an <a> element (with an href attribute) to each value in a specified column of data. Currently I'm using the following code to produce the table:

function tabulate(data, columns) {
var table ="#data_table").append("table"),
    thead = table.append("thead"),
    tbody = table.append("tbody");

// append the header row
    .text(function(column) {
        return column;
    .on('click', function (d) {
        rows.sort(function (a, b) {
            if (isNaN(a[d])) {
                return d3.ascending(a[d], b[d]);
            else {
                return b[d] - a[d];
// create a row for each object in the data
var rows = tbody.selectAll("tr")

// create a cell in each row for each column
var cells = rows.selectAll("td")
    .data(function(row) {
        return {
            return {
                column: column, value: row[column]
    .html(function(d) {
        return (d.value);

return table;
//render the data
tabulate(data, ["NAME", "1", "2", "3", "4"]);

I want to make every value in the "NAME" column a hyperlink to a website based on the value in the cell. E.G.: If there is a value in the name column that is "my_value", it will be a hyperlink to "http://test/my_value". Any help is appreciated!


  • You have to append a link after filtering the data like that :

    cells.filter(function(d, i) { return i === 0})
        .attr("href", function(d) {
            return "http://test/" + d.value;
        .html(function(d) {
            return (d.value);


    It's also possible to filter with the column name with

     cells.filter(function(d, i) { return d.column === "NAME"})