In order to solve a scaling problem, I have the following question:
draws a line between 2 points.
Does it draw this Lines "on Top" of those points or is it drawn below them?
See my Image for clarification:
The upper example shows how an Oval is drawn with
where the black point is the x and y coordinate and the red circle is the actual oval...
Is it the same using graphics.drawLine()
when using a new BasicStroke(3.5f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)
like in the lower example?
Or is the line actually drawn centered to the coordinates?
Any help is appreciated.
For drawLine(), the beginning of the arc portion will be at x location, so your picture is wrong. The rounded cap will protrude to the left of the left dot, and to the right of the right dot.