Is it possible? if so, how?
The following code is executed in an IEX.
However, the compiled code generates a runtime error.
:ets.fun2ms(fn({a,b}) -> a and b end)
The error comes out like this: I want to know how to properly call.
** (exit) exited in: :ets.fun2ms(:function, :called, :with, :real, :fun, :should, :be, :transformed, :with, :parse_transform, :or, :called, :with, :a, :fun, :generated, :in, :the, :shell)
** (EXIT) :badarg
(stdlib) ets.erl:554: :ets.fun2ms/1
No, you can't. At least not with "real functions" like the error says. Elixir functions are defined a bit different than the functions in Erlang and that's why this function does not work. Fortunately, you can accomplish the same using this repository
As it is stated in the README:
iex(1)> import Ex2ms
iex(2)> fun do { x, y } = z when x > 10 -> z end
iex(3)> :ets.test_ms({ 42, 43 }, v(2))
iex(4)> :ets.test_ms({ 0, 10 }, v(2))
The macro
does the same as ets:fun2ms/1
I hope this helps.