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sendgrid integration in classic asp

I want to integrate SendGrid smtp email to send mail from my Classic asp application. I have no idea about how to integrate third party mail server. I only used gmail server to send mail from application.

If I register on sendgrid with mail id then which credential i need to use for userid and password. Do i need to use sendgrid credential for below example:- enter image description here

Which credential i need to use in yellow circle. link for above example Example link

I read docs provided on sendgrid official site, but idea is not cleared how to use it.

Please help on this..

thanks sagar


  • If you have an account with SendGrid then presumably you have a username and password to log in to it - you just need to use these as the values in the yellow box.

    Their example is actually pretty standard cdo.message code. If you have got it to work with gmail then you should be able to modify your existing gmail code. SendGrid also appears to use port 465 so all you would need to change is the smtp server address and the username and password.

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