I have array of objects like:
vm.items = [{id: "1", val: "a"},{id: "2", val: "b"},{id: "3", val: "c"}]
And I bound it to select option like:
<select ng-model="vm.model.id" >
<option value="">select somthing</option>
<option ng-repeat="i in vm.items" value="{{i.id}}">{{i.val}}</option>
But when I select some item from dropdown I get whole object {}
and I want only id.
How can I do that?
You can use the ng-options directly on the select tag. If your json contains an id and name variable you can specify it as this:
<select ng-model="vm.model.id" ng-options="i.id as i.name for i in vm.items">
<option value="">select somthing</option>
The i.id is set to the options value and the i.name is set to the text