I'm somewhat new to the more advanced features of C++. Yesterday, I posted the following question and I learned about virtual inheritance and the dreaded diamond of death.
Inheriting from both an interface and an implementation C++
I also learned, through other links, that multiple inheritance is typically a sign of a bad code design and that the same results can usually be better achieved without using MI. The question is... I don't know what is a better, single-inheritance approach for the following problem.
I want to define an Interface for two types of Digital Points. An Input Digital Point and an Output Digital Point. The Interface is to be slim, with only what's required to access the information. Of course, the vast majority of properties are common to both types of digital points. So to me, this is a clear case of Inheritance, not Composition.
My Interface Definitions look something like this:
// Interface Definitions
class IDigitalPoint
virtual void CommonDigitalMethod1() = 0;
class IDigitalInputPoint : virtual IDigitalPoint
virtual void DigitialInputMethod1() = 0;
class IDigitalOutputPoint : virtual IDigitalPoint
virtual void DigitialOutputMethod1() = 0;
My implementations look like this:
// Implementation of IDigitalPoint
class DigitalPoint : virtual public IDigitalPoint
void CommonDigitalMethod1();
void ExtraCommonDigitalMethod2();
// Implementation of IDigitalInputPoint
class DigitalInputPoint : public DigitalPoint, public IDigitalInputPoint
void DigitialInputMethod1();
void ExtraDigitialInputMethod2();
// Implementation of IDigitalOutputPoint
class DigitalOutputPoint : public DigitalPoint, public IDigitalOutputPoint
void DigitialOutputMethod1();
void ExtraDigitialOutputMethod2();
So how could I reformat this structure, to avoid MI?
"multiple inheritance is typically a sign of a bad code design" - parents that are pure interfaces are not counted in regards to this rule. Your I*
classes are pure interfaces (only contain pure virtual functions) so you Digital*Point
classes are OK in this respect