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Single layer build file for a dojo/cordova project

I am using dojo 1.10 in a cordova v5 project.
I created the project and the build is successful.
It uses "android" platform and all files/folders are in the assets/www.
In there, I added "dojo", "dijit", "dojox" and some other folders like "js" and "widgets".

I am trying to find a way to build all the project into a single JavaScript file.

Any tutorial or videos will be helpful.


  • There is a comprehensive tutorial at:

    and a useful dojo boilerplate at:

    More details on how to setup your .profile.js can be found here:

    I would suggest you to read the articles and set your project following the dojo-boilerplate and after customize the build process from that, as sometime the build could be difficult to setup.