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How to call a stored procedure in neo4jclient?

I'd like to call a stored procedure (see a previous question:Question with stored procedure for Neo4J as the answer However, I can't quite see a way of doing that through the fluent query interface.

Can anyone help?

My Cypher query:

WITH user, collect(permission) as permissions
CALL user, 'permissions', permissions ) YIELD value as UserAccount
RETURN UserAccount

My Neo4jClient code up to now:

            .With("user, collect(permission) as permissions")
            // I need to call the stored procedure here.
                (userAccount) =>
                                    UserAccount = userAccount.As<UserAccount>()


  • I'll leave the IRawGraphClient version below, but for version (just published today) you can use Call and Yield directly:

        .With("user, collect(permission) as permissions")
        .Call(", 'permissions', permissions)").Yield("value AS UserAccount")
            (userAccount) => new { UserAccount = userAccount.As<UserAccount>() });

    OLD VERSION (Avoid if you can)

    Did you try the IRawGraphClient as I suggested in the GitHub bug you raised?

    In essence you can cast the GraphClient instance you have to an IRawGraphClient instance:

    IRawGraphClient rgc = (IRawGraphClient) client;

    and then call with a query - it's a bit clunky, but would be like this:

    var queryText = @"MATCH(user:UserAccount)-[:HasPermission]->(permission:Permission) 
    WITH user, collect(permission) as permissions
    CALL user, 'permissions', permissions ) YIELD value as UserAccount
    RETURN UserAccount"
    var cypherQuery = new CypherQuery(queryText, null, CypherResultMode.Projection);
    var results = rgc.ExecuteGetCypherResults<UserAccount>(cypherQuery);

    I think that will work - I don't have a 3.0 setup to test on at the moment, so can't be 100% sure, but please try and see.

    I'll aim to get a .Call/.Yield<T> method sorted somepoint