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IdentityServer multi IDP configuration request

How do I create a request that uses the Saml or Google IDP for authorization? My understanding is that if I put "acr_values=idp:Google" in my request then the request will be routed through my Google Idp path. Likewise if I put "acr_values=idp:saml2p" it should go through my Saml Idp. Is it a different path? Right now the request goes to localhost:98575/connect/token.

Here is my current Request:

POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:98575
Authorization: Basic  SomethingEncrypted
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: AGuid
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

grant_type=password&scope=customScope+openid+offline_access&[email protected]&password=SomePassword&acr_values=idp:Google

Here is a snippet from my IdentityServer Starup.cs file:

public static void ConfigureIdentityProviders(IAppBuilder app, string signInAsType)

        var authServicesOptions = new KentorAuthServicesAuthenticationOptions(false)
            SPOptions = new SPOptions
                EntityId = new EntityId("")

            SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
            AuthenticationType = "saml2p",
            Caption = "SAML2p",

        authServicesOptions.IdentityProviders.Add(new IdentityProvider(
            new EntityId(""),
            LoadMetadata = true,


        var google = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions
            AuthenticationType = "Google",
            Caption = "Google",
            SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,

            ClientId = "",
            ClientSecret = "5fWcBT0udKY7_b6E3gEiJlze"


  • The acr_values with "idp:foo" is only used for the authorization endpoint, not the token endpoint. IOW, it's only used to automatically redirect the user in the browser to the indicated external identity provider.