I am trying to write a multi-client socket system which communicates via strings sent by the client, which will trigger an event according to its content.
There is a lot of materialon how to do it, but I cannot grasp the logic behind it.
In this example and enter link description here in this one, there is a while true piece of code which has two main instructions:
Thread t = new Thread(runnable);
I cannot understand how this works:
Maybe it's my lack of google skills, but I cannot find a good tutorial to do this stuff: help?
the while(true) continuously passed over those instructions, but creates a Thread only when the accept() method clicks?
the execution stop on method accept() until someone try to connect.You can see this using the debug mode on our IDE.
Does the new thread have a dedicated port? Isn't the socket communication one on one?
No, you have many connections on the same port
How does the software keep track of the spawned socket threads, and does it actually matter?
Do bother about this for now
How do I send a reply to the thread that just wrote me?
When someone try to connect you receive an object to respond this user, check the documentation