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How to find multiple patterns in single category using AIML

I have been using AIML to make chatbot. I am unable to find multiple patterns in same category. How can we use OR clause in the pattern?


  • In AIML version 2, you can do this using sets or maps. Basically you define the set which is a list of one or more members, then you can refer to it in the pattern. Imagine you had a set with the names of the countries of the world, you could code this:

      <pattern>IS <set>countries</set> A COUNTRY</pattern>
        Yes, <star/> is a country.
      <pattern>IS * A COUNTRY</pattern>
        I never heard of a country called <star/>.

    This works because the set is higher priority than the star in AIML version 2. So if you typed IS GERMANY A COUNTRY it would reply "Yes, Germany is a country". But if you typed IS EREWHON A COUNTRY it would reply "I never heard of a country called Erewhon".