I have a custom directive:
export class XHideDirective {
static $inject = ["$rootScope"];
static $rootScope: any;
public static build($rootScope) {
var directive: ng.IDirective = {
link: (scope, element, attributes: any) => {
var itemToHide = attributes["xHide"];
(event, toState) => {
if (toState.data && toState.data.hasOwnProperty(itemToHide)) {
} else {
return directive;
And what that does, is when a state has it, it'll hide all elements on the page with that directive set to that value.
.state("deposit.x.successful", {
url: "/successful/:transactionId",
controller: "DepositResultController",
templateUrl: "deposit/templates/x/successful.html",
data: { hideDepositMenu: null }
.state("deposit.x.pending", {
url: "/pending",
templateUrl: "deposit/templates/x/pending.html",
data: { hideDepositMenu: null }
.state("deposit.x.rejected", {
url: "/rejected",
templateUrl: "deposit/templates/x/rejected.html",
data: { hideDepositMenu: null }
This all works very well except in the case when I don't transition to that page naturally but I get forwarded there (either a server redirect) or if I refresh the page with Ctrl+F5. Then the "stateChangeStart" event doesn't get hit.
The directive is registered like this:
module Utils {
angular.module("Utils", [])
.directive("xHide", ["$rootScope", (r) => { return XHideDirective.build(r); }]);
How do I get the state in those cases?
I found this very similar issue with no solution $stateChangeStart don't work when user refresh browser
I think I solved it by doing this:
export class XHideDirective {
static $inject = ["$rootScope", "$timeout"];
static $rootScope: any;
public static build($rootScope, $timeout) {
var directive: ng.IDirective = {
controller: DepositController,
link: (scope, element, attributes: any) => {
var itemToHide = attributes["xHide"];
$timeout(() => {
if (scope.hideMenu && scope.hideMenu.hasOwnProperty(itemToHide)) {
} else {
}, 0);
(event, toState) => {
if (toState.data && toState.data.hasOwnProperty(itemToHide)) {
} else {
return directive;
and then inside the controller:
module Deposit {
export class DepositController extends Utils.BaseController {
constructor(public $state) {
this.$scope.hideMenu = this.$state.$current.data;
No idea if it's the optimal solution but it seems to work well so far. Hope it helps someone.