I want to avoid creating new typed arrays and the consequent gc().
I made my geometry using BufferedGeometry. Upon receiving events, my vertex and the faces
indices are updated. I can update the coordinates by setting verticesNeedUpdate
but it does not update the faces. The update is called ~20-50 times per second, which can be heavy on the browser. How can I do this by avoiding creating heavy garbage for the JavaScript Garbage Collector? (See method update()
function WGeometry77(verts, faces) {
THREE.Geometry.call( this );
this.type = 'WGeometry77';
this.parameters = {};
// Initially create the mesh the easy way, by copying from a BufferGeometry
this.fromBufferGeometry( new MyBufferGeometry77( verts, faces ) );
WGeometry77.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype );
WGeometry77.prototype.constructor = WGeometry77;
WGeometry77.prototype.update = function(verts, faces) {
var geom = this;
var nl = Math.min(geom.vertices.length, verts.length/3);
for ( var vi = 0; vi < nl; vi ++ ) {
geom.vertices[ vi ].x = verts[vi*3+0];
geom.vertices[ vi ].y = verts[vi*3+1];
geom.vertices[ vi ].z = verts[vi*3+2];
var nf = Math.min(geom.faces.length, faces.length/3);
for ( var fi = 0; fi < nf; fi ++ ) {
geom.faces[ fi ].a = faces[fi*3+0];
geom.faces[ fi ].b = faces[fi*3+1];
geom.faces[ fi ].c = faces[fi*3+2];
geom.verticesNeedUpdate = true; // Does not update the geom.faces
PS. My code is written in Emscripten, which does something like this:
var verts = Module.HEAPF32.subarray(verts_address/_FLOAT_SIZE, verts_address/_FLOAT_SIZE + 3*nverts);
What I want to do is almost animating, or a dynamic geometry (calculated using Marching Cubes). But my topology (the graph of the mesh) is also updated. Which ThreeJS class I should use? If there exists no such class, should I create we create a new class like UpdatableBufferedGeometry
To update THREE.BufferGeometry
after it has rendered, you can use this pattern:
geometry.attributes.position.setXYZ( index, x, y, z );
geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
For indexed BufferGeometry
, you can change the index
array like so:
geometry.index.array[ index ] = value;
geometry.index.needsUpdate = true;
You cannot resize buffers -- only change their contents. You can pre-allocate larger arrays and use
geometry.setDrawRange( 0, numVertices );
three.js r.78