I can't find a proper way to update an existing model instance using a rest proxy, Sencha Touch always sends a PUT instead of POST to REST backend.
I followed those steps:
Generate a new proyecto from scratch. Then, add a new model using sencha command:
sencha generate model Test id,feld1
Set idProperty and rest proxy inside Test.js model:
idProperty: 'id',
proxy :{
type: 'rest',
url: 'http://localhost:3000/products'
Add this model to app.js
models: [
Then, inside launch function of app.js:
launch: function() {
var test = Ext.create('test.model.Test');
test.set('id', '1');
test.set('feld1', 'some text');
success: function(){
failure: function(){
This causes a POST request to the backend server, instead of a PUT, as expected when updating and existing model instance. I'm assuming here that Sencha knows it's an existing instance because idPropertyField (id) is not null or empty.
Request URL:http://localhost:3000/products?_dc=1466427599915
Request Method:POST
Request Payload: {id: "1", feld1: "some text"}
What is the proper way to update an existing model instance in Sencha Touch using a REST proxy? How to make it fire a PUT request instead of POST?
If you set the phantom
property of the record to false
before saving, it will be picked up as an updated record rather than a new one.
Check out this fiddle as an example: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/1cd1
If you look at the Ext.data.Model
's save
method (http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.1-classic/src/Model.js-1.html#Ext.data.Model-method-save) you can see how this is determined. Essentially it boils down to this line:
action = dropped ? 'destroy' : (phantom ? 'create' : 'update'),
There is a similar filtering method in the Ext.data.ProxyStore
class which handles this for store syncs - http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.1-classic/Ext.data.ProxyStore.html#method-filterNew