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How to delete elements with regex in BaseX

I have a BaseX database that has the following format


I would like to ask about how can I delete nodes that their value includes tet. Have I to use regex?

the normal delete is executed like this

XQUERY delete root/node1[value1='abctatabc']

How can I do a search for a substring?


  • If you want to delete nodes in a database, you can use delete node root/node1[value1='abctatabc'] (see XQuery Update in the BaseX documentation). If you want to delete it without changing the original document, you can use the update keyword:

    document {
    } update {
      delete node root/node1[value1 = 'abctatabc']

    Of course you can also look for substrings (via fn:contains) or use regular expressions (via fn:matches):

    delete node root/node1[matches(value1, 'abc')]