I want to generalize a repetitive piece of Java code for a lot of (~40-50) similar entities (in my case, this piece is indexing of files with these entities).
I tried to refactor it with generic method, but, as a result, I get a constructor of generic class that is apparently prohibited in Java. To avoid this, I implemented abstract factory pattern and here's what I've get.
public <E extends CMObject, F extends IndexedFile<E>> F indexFile(CMFactory<E, F> factory) {
F items;
ByteBuffer[] buffs;
// ...filling buffers...
items = factory.makeFile(buffs); // as I cannot do items = new F(buffs)
return items;
public CityFile getCities() {
return indexFile(new CityFactory());
public ContinentFile getContinents() {
return indexFile(new ContinentFactory());
// a lot of more
This solves an issue of creating an instance of generic class. However, I now face a task of creating a concrete factory for each single entity that seems to be a lot of monotonous work as they all look like each other.
public abstract class CMFactory<E extends CMObject, F extends IndexedFile<E>> {
public abstract F makeFile(ByteBuffer[] buff);
public class CityFactory extends CMFactory<City, CityFile> {
public CityFile makeFile(ByteBuffer[] buff) {
return new CityFile(buff);
public class ContinentFactory extends CMFactory<Continent, ContinentFile> {
public ContinentFile makeFile(ByteBuffer[] buffs) {
return new ContinentFile(buffs);
The question is: is there any way to automatize creation of such factories? Or maybe is there another pattern that can at least make such creation less painful?
I tried to use IntelliJ IDEA's Replace Constructor with Factory Method refactor, but it didn't help me.
Since your CMFactory
is almost a functional interface you can use constructor handles instead of implementing CMFactory
for each concrete class:
Make CMFactory
an interface:
public interface CMFactory<E extends CMObject, F extends IndexedFile<E>> {
public abstract F makeFile(ByteBuffer[] buff);
and then write
public CityFile getCities() {
return indexFile(CityFile::new);
You can even discard CMFactory
and use java.util.Function
public <E extends CMObject, F extends IndexedFile<E>> F indexFile(Function<ByteBuffer[],F> factory) {
ByteBuffer[] buffs;
// ...filling buffers...
return factory.apply(buffs);