I have an Emscripten C++ Web Worker, which design is more efficient to transfer large data to a JavaScript program?
Since a web worker does clone()
and serialise, to transfer through the web worker message system, there is some overhead here. Also some code is needed to translate the resulting data on the C++ side, from HEAP32 into JavaScript arrays ( C -> JS
By efficient, I mean which design is faster, i.e. which design leads to triggering less new
and gc()
(constructing and destructing JS objects). My Web Worker uses a core function written in C++which returns large arrays (two arrays of float[V][3]
and int[N][3]
with N=V=10000. It will be used to update a ThreeJS Geometry, and will be called tens of thousands of times over a long period on a web page. Apart being slow, this also may cause the browser to slow down, freeze or crash.
C++ -> JS -> message(serialise) -> JS
. Design: (C++)JS <-WW-> JS
. Files: core_mc_algorithm.cpp, worker.js, main.js .-s BUILD_AS_WORKER=1
, write some other C++ code on the main side that received the data, and convert the results from HEAP to JS on the main side: (WebWorker data traser handled by Emscripten): Pros: efficient transfer, but required two conversions. Risk: on C++ side, it requires multiple copying from vector to array, etc. Data exchange: C++ -> message(serialise) -> C++ -> JS
, Design: (C++) <-WW-> C++(JS)
. Files: worker.cpp, main.cpp, main.js .C++ -> message(serialise) -> JS
, Design: (C++) <-WW-> JS
. Files: worker.cpp, main.js .I have this code in C++, I want to run it as a Web Worker:
void produce_object (
REAL* verts_output, int number_of_vertices,
int* faces_output, int number_of_triangles ) {
// Run Marching cubes, which produces a vector<int> and a vector<float>.
// fills in the arrays verts_output[] with coordinates (size: 3*number_of_vertices),
// fill in faces_output[] with triangle vertex indices (size: 3*number_of_triangles ), using some numerical code which includes the Marching Cubes algorithm.
I need the following JavaScript callback function to get called with the right parameters. It is defined in an HTML file:
function update_mesh_geometry_callback (verts, faces) {
/* verts and faces are of type Float32Array and Int32Array of size (3*N) and (3*V). In this function they are used to create the following object, which is added to the scene.*/
var geo = new THREE.Geometry(verts, faces); // a subclass
scene.add(new THREE.Mesh(gro, mat, etc));
Typical size at least: number_of_vertices == 90000 = N, number_of_triangles == 8000 = V.
I believe you are after transferables. Worker has an extra parameter in postMessage
Transferables only work with ArrayBuffer
s, they also unset buffer from messaging thread, you have to keep that in mind, but for your case this seems like a perfect fit as it will avoid copying entirely.
here's a toy code example for what you would have in your worker
var vertices = new Float32Array(100000);
var faceIndices = new Uint32Array(50000);
postMessage({vertices: vertices, faceIndices: faceIndices}, [vertices.buffer, faceIndices.buffer]);
You can read more on transferrables here: Using transferable objects from a Web Worker