Am trying to read mails from our mail server using Javamail api. The program works fine when am running it on eclipse in windows on my local system. When i move the same code to our linux environment it gets connection timed out error.
Do i need to install some package on linux or anything? I believe the port should be open else i wont be able to connect from my local network?
The code am using is as below:
properties.setProperty("", "imaps");
properties.put("", "*");
session = Session.getInstance(properties, null);
store = session.getStore();
store.connect(mailServerName, userName, password);
You have first to check if you allowed to connect to your mail server from your lunix host , by issuing telnet
like this : telnet host port
command , some times it is either blocked by firewall or network antivirus. also you may behind a proxy server (You have to check all the above with your network admin).
In case you are behind a proxy server, you have to set the proxy settings and credntials for the JVM. For this , look at answer at Chris Carruthers answer here.