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is there any possibility for "if" block to go out of given choices in vhdl?

Below is the code of VHDL which uses IF block. In the last "elsif", the value of "my_choice" is assigned to "ch4". Then "else" block is executed, since no condition is satisfied. But, is there any chance that "my_choice" gets some other value other than (ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4), like high impedence (or anything else)? If so, how can i avoid that? Since this assignment can change the operation of the code.

    entity entity_name
    end entity_name;

    architecture bhvr of entity_name

    type choices is (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4);
    signal my_choice,next_choice : choices;

        process(clk, reset)
            if reset='1' tehn
            end if;
        end process;

            if my_choice = ch1 then
                next_choice <= ch2;
            elsif my_choice = ch2 then 
                next_choice <= ch3;
            elsif my_choice = ch3 then
                next_choice <= ch4;
            else  ------------------------------------coming to ch4
                ---- task for ch4
        end process;            
    end architecture;


  • Since my_choice is type choices, which is enumerated type with values 'ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'ch4', then my_choice will always have one of these 4 values, at least in simulation.

    In hardware, the available value space depends on the implementation, for example if the values are made as one-hot or binary. After start-up a reset is a good way to make sure that the value is well-defined to one of the 4 values, and if the circuit then adheres to the timing requirements, then the value will stay in the defined values space of the 4 values.