I'm trying to create a factory function which accepts a superclass and a function as arguments, and returns a constructor for a subclass which overrides and applies a filter to the add() method.
The problem I'm getting is when I use this constructor to create this subclass object and invoke add(), the add() method isn't recognised.
If it helps I'm trying to use techniques similar to section 9.7.2 from Javascript - The definitive guide by David Flanagan.
Appreciate any help, thanks.
function subclassFactory(superclass,func){
var constructor = function(){
var proto = constructor.prototype
= Object.create(superclass.prototype);
proto.constructor = constructor;
proto.add = function(){
return superclass.prototype.add.apply(this,arguments);
return constructor;
Don't modify the prototype inside the constructor.
And please (as a rule of thumb) never ever pass the arguments-object to any function. You'd want to avoid passing the arguments-object to another function.
It prevents the optimization through the underlying JS-engine. Use the spread-operator instead (ES6 Rest parameters @ MDN) or copy the Arguments manually into an Array.
function subclassFactory(superclass, func){
var constructor = function(/*...args*/){
//for(var i=arguments.length,args=Array(i);i--;)args[i]=arguments[i];
//return superclass.apply(this, args);
return superclass.apply(this, arguments);
constructor.prototype = Object.create(superclass.prototype, {
constructor: {
configurable: true,
value: constructor
add: {
value: function(/*...args*/){
for(var i=arguments.length,args=Array(i);i--;)args[i]=arguments[i];
if(!func(args)) return superclass.prototype.add.apply(this, args);
return constructor;
Or utilizing ES6-Classes (Classes#Mix-ins @ MDN)
var subclassFactory = (superclass, func) => class extends superclass {
if(!func(args)) return super.add.apply(this, args);