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invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()' in ArangoDB

I have stored my Data in the give formate in AreangoDB, My collection name in DSP:

 "data": {
"1":   [ {"db_name": "DSP"}, {"rel": "2"} ], 
"2":   [ {"rel_name": "DataSource"}, {"tuple": "201"}, {"tuple": "202"}, {"tuple": "203"} ],
"201": [ {"src_id": "Pos201510070"}, {"src_name": "Postgres"}, {"password": "root"}, {"host": "localhost"}, {"created_date": "20151007"}, {"user_name": "postgres"}, {"src_type": "Structured"}, {"db_name": "postgres"}, {"port": "None"} ],
"202": [ {"src_id": "pos201510060"}, {"src_name": "Postgres"},{"password": "root"}, {"host": "localhost"}, {"created_date": "20151006"}, {"user_name": "postgres"}, {"src_type": "Structured"}, {"db_name": "DSP"}, {"port": "5432"} ],
"203": [ {"src_id": "pos201510060"}, {"src_name": "Postgres"}, {"password": "root"}, {"host": "localhost"}, {"created_date": "20151006"}, {"user_name": "postgres"},{"src_type": "Structured"},{"db_name": "maindb"},{"port": "5432"} ]

I am executing a query with the above data in the following format:

  FOR p IN NestedDSP
  LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(p) 
  FOR attribute IN attributes 
      LET key = ATTRIBUTES(attribute)[0] 
      LET value = attribute[key] 
      RETURN { subject: attribute, predicate: key, object: value }

When I submit my query to ArangoDB, it returns the response as:


[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''


    "subject": "data",
    "predicate": null,
    "object": null
    "subject": "_id",
    "predicate": null,
    "object": null
    "subject": "_rev",
    "predicate": null,
    "object": null
    "subject": "_key",
    "predicate": null,
    "object": null

Please tell me what is the problem with this query, and why the answer is like the above..I am working in ArangoDB-2.7.3-win64.



  • Let me demonstrate how to construct such a complex query digging deep into nested data structures. I start out taking the outer parts of the query, to have an inner result:

    FOR p IN NestedDSP
      LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(p) 
      FOR attribute IN attributes 
          RETURN attribute

    which gives me:


    So lets dive deeper into the next layer. I guess you're only interested in the values present underneath data key right? so we pick

    FOR p IN NestedDSP
      LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES( 
      FOR attribute IN attributes 
          RETURN attribute

    which then gives me the keys for your next inner array:


    We now explore what we find attached to these nodes:

    FOR p IN NestedDSP
      LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES( 
      FOR oneAttribute IN attributes 
        LET keys =[oneAttribute]
          RETURN keys

    Its Again an array, which we need to iterate into using a FOR loop over keys:

          "src_id" : "pos201510060" 
          "src_name" : "Postgres" 
        }, ...

    We add this additional FOR-loop:

    FOR p IN NestedDSP
      LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES( 
      FOR oneAttribute IN attributes 
        LET keys =[oneAttribute]
        FOR key IN keys
          RETURN key

    we get the inner most objects:

        "src_id" : "pos201510060" 
        "src_name" : "Postgres" 
        "password" : "root" 

    You wanted to use the ATTRIBUTES function, but the objects only have one member, so we can access [0]:

    FOR p IN NestedDSP
      LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES( 
      FOR oneAttribute IN attributes 
        LET keys =[oneAttribute]
        FOR key IN keys
          LET keyAttributes=ATTRIBUTES(key)
            RETURN keyAttributes

    Which gives us the object keys, one per inner most object:


    We inspect whether we now get only the object keys of the inner most structure; we pick the variable names a little more clever than above:

      FOR p IN NestedDSP
        LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES( 
        FOR oneAttribute IN attributes 
          LET pairs =[oneAttribute]
          FOR onePair IN pairs
            LET pairKey=ATTRIBUTES(onePair)[0]
              RETURN pairKey



    So now its time to construct the results object as you wanted them:

      FOR p IN NestedDSP
        LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES( 
        FOR oneAttribute IN attributes 
          LET pairs =[oneAttribute]
          FOR onePair IN pairs
            LET pairKey=ATTRIBUTES(onePair)[0]
              RETURN { subject: oneAttribute, predicate: pairKey, object: onePair[pairKey] }

    The subject is the number identifying the outermost item, the predicate is the object key, and the object is the value in it:

        "subject" : "203", 
        "predicate" : "src_id", 
        "object" : "pos201510060" 
        "subject" : "203", 
        "predicate" : "src_name", 
        "object" : "Postgres" 

    Which is hopefully what you wanted?