I have two data frames, df1
with reference data and df2
with new data. For each row in df2
, I need to find the best (and the second best) matching row to df1
in terms of hamming distance.
I used e1071
package to compute hamming distance. Hamming distance between two vectors x
and y
can be computed as for example:
x <- c(356739, 324074, 904133, 1025460, 433677, 110525, 576942, 526518, 299386,
92497, 977385, 27563, 429551, 307757, 267970, 181157, 3796, 679012, 711274,
24197, 610187, 402471, 157122, 866381, 582868, 878)
y <- c(356739, 324042, 904133, 959893, 433677, 110269, 576942, 2230, 267130,
92496, 960747, 28587, 429551, 438825, 267970, 181157, 36564, 677220,
711274, 24485, 610187, 404519, 157122, 866413, 718036, 876)
xm <- sapply(x, intToBits)
ym <- sapply(y, intToBits)
distance <- sum(sapply(1:ncol(xm), function(i) hamming.distance(xm[,i], ym[,i])))
and the resulting distance is 25. Yet I need to do this for all rows of df1
and df2
. A trivial method takes a double loop nest and looks terribly slow.
Any ideas how to do this more efficiently? In the end I need to append to df2
that gives the lowest distance;df1
that gives the 2nd lowest distance;Thanks.
Fast computation of hamming distance between two integers vectors of equal length
As I said in my comment, we can do:
hmd0 <- function(x,y) sum(as.logical(xor(intToBits(x),intToBits(y))))
to compute hamming distance between two integers vectors of equal length x
and y
. This only uses R base, yet is more efficient than e1071::hamming.distance
, because it is vectorized!
For the example x
and y
in your post, this gives 25. (My other answer will show what we should do, if we want pairwise hamming distance.)
Fast hamming distance between a matrix and a vector
If we want to compute the hamming distance between a single y
and multiple x
s, i.e., the hamming distance between a vector and a matrix, we can use the following function.
hmd <- function(x,y) {
rawx <- intToBits(x)
rawy <- intToBits(y)
nx <- length(rawx)
ny <- length(rawy)
if (nx == ny) {
## quick return
return (sum(as.logical(xor(rawx,rawy))))
} else if (nx < ny) {
## pivoting
tmp <- rawx; rawx <- rawy; rawy <- tmp
tmp <- nx; nx <- ny; ny <- tmp
if (nx %% ny) stop("unconformable length!") else {
nc <- nx / ny ## number of cycles
return(unname(tapply(as.logical(xor(rawx,rawy)), rep(1:nc, each=ny), sum)))
Note that:
performs computation column-wise. It is designed to be CPU cache friendly. In this way, if we want to do some row-wise computation, we should transpose the matrix first;tapply()
.Fast hamming distance computation between two matrices/data frames
This is what you want. The following function foo
takes two data frames or matrices df1
and df2
, computing the distance between df1
and each row of df2
. argument p
is an integer, showing how many results you want to retain. p = 3
will keep the smallest 3 distances with their row ids in df1
foo <- function(df1, df2, p) {
## check p
if (p > nrow(df2)) p <- nrow(df2)
## transpose for CPU cache friendly code
xt <- t(as.matrix(df1))
yt <- t(as.matrix(df2))
## after transpose, we compute hamming distance column by column
## a for loop is decent; no performance gain from apply family
n <- ncol(yt)
id <- integer(n * p)
d <- numeric(n * p)
k <- 1:p
for (i in 1:n) {
distance <- hmd(xt, yt[,i])
minp <- order(distance)[1:p]
id[k] <- minp
d[k] <- distance[minp]
k <- k + p
## recode "id" and "d" into data frame and return
id <- as.data.frame(matrix(id, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(id) <- paste0("min.", 1:p)
d <- as.data.frame(matrix(d, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(d) <- paste0("mindist.", 1:p)
list(id = id, d = d)
Note that:
loop is used here. But this is actually efficient because there is considerable computation done in each iteration. It is also more elegant than using *apply
family, since we ask for multiple output (row id id
and distance d
This part uses small dataset to test/demonstrate our functions.
Some toy data:
df1 <- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(1:10), ncol = 2)) ## 5 rows 2 cols
df2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(1:6), ncol = 2)) ## 3 rows 2 cols
Test hmd
first (needs transposition):
hmd(t(as.matrix(df1)), df2[1, ]) ## df1 & first row of df2
# [1] 2 4 6 2 4
Test foo
foo(df1, df2, p = 2)
# $id
# min1 min2
# 1 1 4
# 2 2 3
# 3 5 2
# $d
# mindist.1 mindist.2
# 1 2 2
# 2 1 3
# 3 1 3
If you want to append some columns to df2
, you know what to do, right?