I am working on an older Symfony2 project and using Twig heavily.
Here's the template for a single row:
<td class="centerCell">
<img src="/images/social-icons/{{ review.type }}.png" title="{{ review.type }}"/>
<td data-rating="{{ review.rating }}" class="centerCell">
<div class="starContainer">
{% for i in 1..5 %}
<span class="gfsStar{% if i <= review.rating %} on{% endif %}"></span>
{% endfor %}
<div class="ratingBadge">{{ review.rating }} / 5</div>
<div {% if review.content|length > 275 %} class="block-with-text" {% endif %}>{{ review.content }}</div>
{% if review.content|length > 275 %} <div class="over-flow-indicator">[Read more]</div> {% endif %}
<td>{{ review.time }}</td>
<td class="centerCell">{{ review.author }}</td>
<a class="viewButton" href="{{ review.url }}" target="_blank">View</a>
I use ajax to call a controller which grabs model data, then calls the renderView() method to generate the HTML.
I want to add sorting/pagination to the front end but all of the plugins I have found don't support adding rows (via ajax) of rendered HTML. On page load I only want to display 10-20 reviews, and request more from the server when the user pages further along. Bootstrap-table seemed like a great solution but due to the complexity of the template I didn't find a good way to implement their ajax functionality.
Clearly this isn't a new problem, how have people solved this before?
I hate to answer my own question here but after much investigation I did come to a decent solution. I had to avoid rendering the HTML server-side and instead implemented a simple set of functions in JavaScript which accomplish the same thing that Smart was doing previously. Here is the JS equivalent to the Twig template above:
function transformData(data) {
var transformedArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var obj = {
id : data[i].id,
type : getTemplate('type', data[i].type),
author : data[i].author,
time : data[i].time,
rating : getTemplate('rating', data[i].rating),
content : getTemplate('content', data[i].content),
url : getTemplate('url', data[i].url)
console.log("In loop: " + i);
return transformedArray;
function getTemplate(key, value) {
var html = '';
switch (key) {
case "type" :
html = '<img src="/images/social-icons/' + value + '.png" style="height:32px;" title="' + value + '"/>';
case "rating" :
html = getRatingHTML(value);
case "content" :
html = getContentHTML(value);
case "url" :
html = '<a class="viewButton" href="' + value + '" target="_blank">View</a>';
return html;
function getContentHTML(value) {
var html = '<div',
indicator = '';
if (value.length > 275) {
html += ' class="block-with-text"';
indicator += '<div class="over-flow-indicator">[Read more]</div>';
html += '>' + value + '</div>' + indicator;
return html;
function getRatingHTML(value) {
var html = '<div class="starContainer" style="min-width: 72px">';
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
html += '<span class="gfsStar ';
if (i <= value) {
html += 'on';
html += '"></span>';
html += "</div>";
html += '<div class="ratingBadge">' + value + ' / 5</div>';
return html;
I am using the bootstrap-table plugin with a custom ajax method. Here is what that looks like:
function getReviewData(params, offset) {
$.post("/extended-review-monitor/reviews", {"limit": 10, "offset": offset})
.done(function (data) {
processedData = transformData(data.data);
console.log("processed data");
setTimeout(function() {
total: data.data[0].total,
rows: processedData
}, 1000);
.fail(function () {
console.log("ajax error");
console.log("ajax complete");
I really hope this ends up helping somebody else down the road.