why do I have runtime error, while parsing string whith that grammar?
template <typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
struct grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, QVariant(), Skipper>
grammar() : grammar::base_type(object)
identifier = qi::raw[qi::lexeme[qi::alpha >> *(qi::alnum | '_' | ('-' >> qi::alnum))]];
self = (qi::raw[qi::lexeme["self"]]);
object = (self >> '.' >> identifier)
|(object >> '.' >> identifier); // there is no runtime error without that line
Any other grammatics run good, but I want to parse something like that:
Runtime error throws at
qi::phrase_parse(it, str.end(), g, ascii::space, v) && it == str.end())
Left recursions like "A = (A >> a ) | b" are unavaible in LL-parsers like boost::spirit. They should be transformed to LL-friendly form: A = bR R = aR | e Where R - new non-terminal and e - epsilon (empty terminal).