I'm not sure how to do this. Im using jQuery draggable, and I need to capture grid position:
$("#draggable .item").draggable({
containment: "#dragablle",
snap: '.gridlines',
stop: function(event, ui) {
Looking at the object receiver from stop event :
Object { top=178, left=950}
I need to convert top and left values into percentage, so I can apply to .item element as inline style. Parent "#draggable" width and height will be dynamic, so that's why I need percentage instead of pixel. So when screen is resized, everything will remain the same (position) within parent element
If you are using jQueryUI Draggable
Try this:
$("#draggable .item").draggable({
containment: "#draggable",
snap: '.gridlines',
stop: function () {
var l = ( 100 * parseFloat($(this).position().left / parseFloat($(this).parent().width())) ) + "%" ;
var t = ( 100 * parseFloat($(this).position().top / parseFloat($(this).parent().height())) ) + "%" ;
$(this).css("left", l);
$(this).css("top", t);