I am trying to learn Ember, and i have gotten to read and write new elements to my backend server. I am somehow stuck when trying to update.
this is my controller
App.TeamController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
editMode : false,
actions : {
enterEdit : function() {
this.set('editMode', true);
saveEdit : function() {
this.set('editMode', false);
And this is my handlebar code:
{{# each team in model itemController="team"}}
{{# if team.editMode}}
{{input type="text" id="newName" value=team.name class="form-control"}}
{{input type="text" id="newLevel" value=team.level class="form-control"}}
<button {{action "saveEdit"}}>Save</button>
<p>{{team.name}} : {{team.level}} <button {{action 'enterEdit'}}>edit</button></p>
this gives me the following error message in the console:
TypeError: this.get(...).save is not a function.
I can not figure out what is wrong. Any help is appreciated.
My model:
App.Team = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
level: DS.attr('string')
my route
App.TeamsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model : function() {
var team = $.get('/teams/');
return team;
I had a similar problem, which I've found a very "hacky" solution for.
Instead of:
try this:
This worked for me, although as a solution I'm not keen. Does anyone have cleaner work-around for this problem?