I would like to know how I can actually save and load the following HashMap and HashSet in the same file, /data.yml or /data.txt .. without them overwriting each other.
HashMap<String, String> teamByPlayer = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashSet<String> teamNames = new HashSet<String>();
HashSet<String> playersThatHaveDoneThis = new HashSet<String>();
String name = player.getName();
if (playersThatHaveDoneThis.contains(name)) {
//do stuff
} else {
// do stuff
This is what I've tried:
for (String str : plugin.getConfig().getKeys(true)) {
int p = plugin.getConfig().getInt(str);
points.put(str, p);
I want to know a way to save all those HashMap and HashSet ... Note: the example below is just for showing it.
I wrote two methods for you:
public static String convertHashMapToString(HashMap<String, String> h){
String value = "";
for(String s : h.keySet()){
value += s + ":" + h.get(s) + ";";
return value;
public static HashMap<String, String> loadHashMapFromString(String saved){
HashMap<String, String> value = new HashMap<String, String>();
for(String s : saved.split(";")){
value.put(s.split(":")[0], s.split(":")[1]);
return value;
I hope it works for you :)