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Some questions regarding $GOPATH

I'm a new golang developer and I wonder why $GOPATH environment variable is needed to be set at the root of my project.

If I'm working on several projects at the same time, I need to each time re-set the $GOPATH environment variable to point to a different location.

In my setup, I have $GOPATH set to /Users/Projects/go/lib. which is a generic directory for all of my golang projects.

Just to clarify: the projects data is placed in /Users/Projects/go/<Project Name>

If anyhow all $GOPATH is used for (as far as I know) is to install 3rd party libraries, isn't it safe to have one $GOPATH directory for all my projects, so all the required 3rd party libraries are installed in the same lib directory, and whenever I compile on of the projects it just uses the libs it requires.

Is this bad in practice? Why?


  • (Q2 2018:
    Note that with the vgo project, GOPATH might end up being deprecated in favor of a project-based workflow. That would avoid the manual project-based GOPATH I was proposing below, two years ago)

    With Go 1.11 (August 2018), GOPATH can be optional, with modules.

    It is more and more supported with VSCode:

    June 2016: You don't have to rely on only one GOPATH (ie one workspace).

    My full GOPATH includes:

    • a global path (for all utilities like goimports),, ...), in $HOME/go for instance,
    • a local path (for my current project), where my local src, pkg and bin will be.

    That is two paths:

    export GOPATH=/path/to/myproject:$HOME/go

    Isn't it safe to have one $GOPATH directory for all my projects, so all the required 3rd party libraries are installed in the same lib directory, and whenever I compile on of the projects it just uses the libs it requires.

    Is this bad in practice? Why?

    I don't like that practice, as different projects could require different version of the same library.
    That is why I have one GOPATH per project, that my build script (versioned with the project) sets for me.

    When I clone a go project of mine, I:

    • set my GOPATH to that go project (local path, where the third-party libraries I need for that project will be installed, and moved to a vendor folder),
    • make a symlink to that path <myproject>/src/<myproject> -> ../.., since GOPATH means go expects to find the sources of myproject in src/<apackage>.

    That organization:

    • remains compatible with go get,
    • ensure any specific dependencies I need are installed by default in my project folder instead of being lost within the mass of global libraries/utilities present in the global GOPATH.

    I have:

         myproject -> ../..
            third-party packages

    On Windows, a typical build script would be:

    λ more b.bat
    @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    if not defined GOROOT (
            echo Environment variable GOROOT must be defined, with %%GOROOT%%\bin\go.exe
            exit /b 1
    set PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
    set PATH=%PATH%;%GOROOT%/bin
    set GOPATH=%~dp0;%HOME%/go
    set prjname=%GOPATH:~0,-1%
    for %%i in ("%prjname%") do set "prjname=%%~ni"
    rem echo prjname='%prjname%'
    if not exist src (
            mkdir src
    if not exist src\%prjname% (
            mklink /J src\%prjname% %GOPATH%
    pushd %~dp0
    cd src\%prjname%
    rem cd
    go install

    Anyone cloning my go project would simply type 'b'.