I'm having a JSON Collection, I wish to dispay Email ID which is marked as IsPreffered = TRUE
using AngularJS HTML without .
My JSON Collection :
{ "user" : [
"Name" : "B. Balamanigandan",
"Email": [
"Id": "bala@gmail.com",
"IsPreffered": true
"Id": "mani@gmail.com",
"IsPreffered": false
HTML Source Code:
<h3>Employee Details:</h3>
<span> {{collection.user.Name}} </span>
<span> {{collection.user.Email.Id}} </span>
The Collection user
contains only one document. So, I didn't use ng-repeat. user
is a Collection not a Document. One more check I need. If more than one email has `IsPreferred == true', then I have the take the last one. Kindly assist me.
Kindly filter the condition using HTML Level not in JavaScript Level. Kindly assist me.
instead of this:
<h3>Employee Details:</h3>
<span> {{collection.user.Name}} </span>
<span> {{collection.user.Email.Id}} </span>
you will have to do this:
<h3>Employee Details:</h3>
<span> {{collection.user[0].Name}} </span>
<span ng-repeat="email in collection.user[0].email| filter: {IsPreffered : 'true'}"> {{email.Id}} </span>
You have to use array syntax, because although there is only 1 user object, it is structured in the json as an array ( note the [ ] , same for Email).
Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Lvc0u55v/5593/
UPDATE: For showing only the last email which is true, use ng-if:
<span ng-repeat="email in collection.user[0].Email| filter: {IsPreffered : true} " ng-if="$last"> {{email.Id}}</span>
Here is the updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Lvc0u55v/5594/