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WebStorm closing brackets

I'm using JetBrains PhpStorm as my IDE and I have a French Keyboard (AZERTY), my problem is I can't insert a closing curly bracket } !

I can do so in Sublime or any other editor by typing AltGr + = .

Does any one have this problem ?


  • The Settings/Preferences | Keymap screen has a special button -- "find action by shortcut" -- when you use it, it will list all actions that have that specific shortcut associated with.

    If you use Alt Gr + = there (which you use to type } character using your keyboard layout) .. you will notice that IDE recognizes such shortcut as Ctrl + Shift + =. Basically, Alt Gr = Ctrl + Shift (may actually vary depending on OS).

    You will also notice that such shortcut already has association with some action. If you remove such association .. or assign another shortcut to that action, then your Alt Gr + = will start working.

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