I'm trying to do a "POST" method in Java. I create my output with the OrientDB method like this:
"http://xxxxxxxxxxx:2480/command/mydb/sql/CREATE VERTEX V SET name = ' datoAletarorio'"
I need to use the write and flush methods to send the command.
My DB is empty with this method. Where is my error? Here is my code:
PrintWriter out = null;
conexion = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
out = new PrintWriter(conexion.getOutputStream());
String cumuloDatos1 = "http://xxxxxxxxxxx:2480/command/mydb/sql/CREATE VERTEX V SET name = ' datoAletarorio'"
Thank in advance.
The docs says:
The command-text can appear in either the URL or the content of the POST transmission. Where the command-text is included in the URL, it must be encoded as per normal URL encoding.
So you probably have to encode the URL before sending the request:
String cumuloDatos1 =
"http://xxxxxxxxxxx:2480/command/mydb/sql/" +
Anyway, you should see messages in the logs for a 400 or similiar in the server, if the request isn't valid.