I have a line-based text format I want to parse with Parsec
†. A line either starts with a pound sign and specifies a key value pair separated by a colon or is a URL that is described by the previous tags.
Here's a short example:
For simplicity's sake, I'm going to store everything as String
. A Tag is a type Tag = (String, String)
, for example ("foo", "bar")
. Ultimately, I'd like to group these as ([Tag], URL)
However, I struggle figuring out how to parse either [one or more tags] or [one URL].
My current approach looks like this:
import qualified System.Environment as Env
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as M
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Text as M
type Tag = (String, String)
data Segment = Tags [Tag] | URL String
deriving (Eq, Show)
tagP :: M.Parser Tag
tagP = M.char '#' *> ((,) <$> M.someTill M.printChar (M.char ':') <*> M.someTill M.printChar M.eol) M.<?> "Tag starting with #"
urlP :: M.Parser String
urlP = M.someTill M.printChar M.eol M.<?> "Some URL"
parser :: M.Parser Segment
parser = (Tags <$> M.many tagP) M.<|> (URL <$> urlP)
main :: IO ()
main = do
fname <- head <$> Env.getArgs
res <- M.parseFromFile (parser <* M.eof) fname
print res
If I try to run this on the above sample, I get a parsing error like this:
unexpected 'h'
expecting Tag starting with # or end of input
Clearly my use of many
in combination with <|>
is incorrect. Since the tag parser won't consume any input from the URL parser it cannot be related to backtracking. How do I need to change this to get to the desired result?
The full example is available on GitHub.
† I'm actually using MegaParsec here for better error messages but I think the problem is quite generic and not about any particular implementation of parser combinators.
@cocreature answered this for me on Twitter.
As leftaroundabout pointed out here, there are two separate mistakes in my code:
while it should just sequentially parse the lines and skip to the next parser if it doesn't consume any input.parseFromFile
) only applies the parser
function a single time and would fail as soon as it would get to the second block.We can fix the parser and introduce grouping in one go:
parser :: M.Parser ([Tag], String)
parser = liftA2 (,) (M.many tagP) urlP
Afterwards, we just need to apply the change suggested by leftaroundabout:
res <- M.parseFromFile (M.many parser <* M.eof) fname
Running this leads to the desired result: