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Chrome Web-SQL Data Manipulation Causes Crash

I'm usgin Google Chrome Version 51.0.2704.84 m. I have a web app witch use Web-SQL for storage. Since today every thing was working fine. But now EVERY data manipulation causes chrome to crash. I used the "Developer Tools" window and under resources > Web SQL, I entered a simple Update code for a table. It also caused chrome to crash and show a dialogue "DevTools was disconnected from the page ...". This is my tsql:

update app_settings set ServerIPAddress = '111'

But I was surprised after I reloaded the page and checked the value of that column in my table, witch was successfully updated.

Please share your experiences with me.


  • My problem was solved simply by running my application through IIS instead of file:///. Although I still don't know the actual technical cause of this malfunction. I hope it helps somebody.