Is there an application or way to render a file in a browser on or offline? I am learning Markdown, and want instant feedback on some of my writing, as sometimes I forget a space or a blank line to achieve what I want, and it is cumbersome for me to commit and push to GitHub to see its rendering, not to mention the insane number of commits I'm creating for a small change.
Some have suggested setting up a PHP environment in your own server or virtual server, but I don't know how to do that (yet). I was thinking of an extension that if you opened an *.md file in your browser (I use Chrome predominately, but occasionally FF), it would look the same was as the frame in GitHub.\
I use TextMate and Sublime Text 2 to write the markdown, maybe they have a function I haven't seen/found on their site?
You can use the sublimetext-markdown-preview package for Sublime Text. It allows you to preview Markdown files on your browser. See the for installation instructions.