Search code examples

How can I add placeholder in jtable field

name : {

    title : 'Name',
    width : '12%',
    sorting : true,
    searchable : true


Here I want to add placeholder which suggest search by name.


  • There is no such functionality available currently in Jtable plugin, but you can add it by adding code in jquery.jtable.js file, just follow the steps:

    Step 1: search for _normalizeFieldOptions , you will get following code

    _normalizeFieldOptions: function (fieldName, props) {
            if (props.listClass == undefined) {
                props.listClass = '';
            if (props.inputClass == undefined) {
                props.inputClass = '';
            //add if condition here for placeholder change
            //Convert dependsOn to array if it's a comma seperated lists
            if (props.dependsOn && $.type(props.dependsOn) === 'string') {
                var dependsOnArray = props.dependsOn.split(',');
                props.dependsOn = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < dependsOnArray.length; i++) {

    you need to add one if condition for placeholder, just replace following code with above code

    _normalizeFieldOptions: function (fieldName, props) {
        if (props.listClass == undefined) {
            props.listClass = '';
        if (props.inputClass == undefined) {
            props.inputClass = '';
        if (props.placeholder == undefined) {
            props.placeholder = '';
        }//- for placeholder change
        //Convert dependsOn to array if it's a comma seperated lists
        if (props.dependsOn && $.type(props.dependsOn) === 'string') {
            var dependsOnArray = props.dependsOn.split(',');
            props.dependsOn = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < dependsOnArray.length; i++) {

    what does this code mean? This is for if placeholder is not defined in option then it will consider as empty string.

    Step 2: Now you need to add the placeholder in Textbox field. So search for _createTextInputForField , you will get following code

    _createTextInputForField: function (field, fieldName, value) {
        var $input = $('<input class="' + field.inputClass + '" id="Edit-' + fieldName + '" type="text" name="' + fieldName + '"></input>'); //change this line for placeholder
        if (value != undefined) {
        return $('<div />')
            .addClass('jtable-input jtable-text-input')

    Change first line in function for placeholder

    var $input = $('<input class="' + field.inputClass + '" placeholder="' + field.placeholder + '" id="Edit-' + fieldName + '" type="password" name="' + fieldName + '"></input>');

    Step 3: Repeat step 2 for _createTextAreaForField - for adding placeholder to Textarea field

    Thats it! Now you can add placeholder option:

    name : {
        title : 'Name',
        width : '12%',
        sorting : true,
        searchable : true,
        placeholder:'placeholder text'