name : {
title : 'Name',
width : '12%',
sorting : true,
searchable : true
Here I want to add placeholder which suggest search by name.
There is no such functionality available currently in Jtable plugin, but you can add it by adding code in jquery.jtable.js
file, just follow the steps:
Step 1: search for
, you will get following code
_normalizeFieldOptions: function (fieldName, props) {
if (props.listClass == undefined) {
props.listClass = '';
if (props.inputClass == undefined) {
props.inputClass = '';
//add if condition here for placeholder change
//Convert dependsOn to array if it's a comma seperated lists
if (props.dependsOn && $.type(props.dependsOn) === 'string') {
var dependsOnArray = props.dependsOn.split(',');
props.dependsOn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dependsOnArray.length; i++) {
you need to add one if
condition for placeholder, just replace following code with above code
_normalizeFieldOptions: function (fieldName, props) {
if (props.listClass == undefined) {
props.listClass = '';
if (props.inputClass == undefined) {
props.inputClass = '';
if (props.placeholder == undefined) {
props.placeholder = '';
}//- for placeholder change
//Convert dependsOn to array if it's a comma seperated lists
if (props.dependsOn && $.type(props.dependsOn) === 'string') {
var dependsOnArray = props.dependsOn.split(',');
props.dependsOn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dependsOnArray.length; i++) {
what does this code mean? This is for if placeholder is not defined in option then it will consider as empty string.
Step 2: Now you need to add the placeholder in Textbox field. So search for
, you will get following code
_createTextInputForField: function (field, fieldName, value) {
var $input = $('<input class="' + field.inputClass + '" id="Edit-' + fieldName + '" type="text" name="' + fieldName + '"></input>'); //change this line for placeholder
if (value != undefined) {
return $('<div />')
.addClass('jtable-input jtable-text-input')
Change first line in function for placeholder
var $input = $('<input class="' + field.inputClass + '" placeholder="' + field.placeholder + '" id="Edit-' + fieldName + '" type="password" name="' + fieldName + '"></input>');
Step 3: Repeat step 2 for
- for adding placeholder to Textarea field
Thats it! Now you can add placeholder option:
name : {
title : 'Name',
width : '12%',
sorting : true,
searchable : true,
placeholder:'placeholder text'