I am working on the Java Sphinx4 API to recognize my speech in real time,I have gone through all the demo available with the source file,But I couldn't identify which demo to work on.
And How can I use transcribe demo to take input wav file real time and convert it into text.
I am working on a Speech Enabled Simulation Interface , Which requires pilot commands to get convert into text at Real time.
Any type of help is highly appreciate.
Look here under Configuration section. You should be able to convert TranscriberDemo.java to use the following.
LiveSpeechRecognizer uses microphone as the speech source.
LiveSpeechRecognizer recognizer = new LiveSpeechRecognizer(configuration);
// Start recognition process pruning previously cached data.
SpeechResult result = recognizer.getResult();
// Pause recognition process. It can be resumed then with startRecognition(false).