I am using ember data for my application . I defined two models with belongsTo relationship
App.Queue = DS.Model.extend({
time_added: DS.attr("string"),
description: DS.attr("string"),
video: DS.belongsTo("video")
App.Video = DS.Model.extend({
video_url: DS.attr("string"),
title: DS.attr('string'),
duration: DS.attr('number'),
queue:DS. belongsTo('queue')
For adding a video to queue , I do
var queue=this.store.createRecord("queue",{time_added:"2014-04-26",description:"Good to have at this time"});
response after save will be
queue: {id:1,time_added:"2014-04-26",description:"Good to have at this time",video:44},
video: [{
id: 44,
video_url: "beauty.png",
title: "Cool dance",
duration: "30",
queue: 1
Now it will create new record in the store . But the problem is after save when i check the queue computed property it shows "App.Queue:ember1724:null" [in belongsTo relationship] and when i click on this property it will fetch new record from the server with the same id and remaining values are undefined . I am having doubt that why it should fetch new queue record with same id if it is already there ?
This issue has been fixed in ember-data newer versions