What's the ES6 equivalent for module.exports
I want to get the value of foo from an import statement
module.exports = {
foo: function (a) {
export default {
foo: function (a) {
The way first one is imported is using:
var file;
var filename = root + "/" + fileStats.name;
file = require(path.resolve(filename));
I want to use ES6 import statement. I read somewhere that this isn't supported however would like to still know if there's a work around this.
Not sure what you're trying to do because in the code you supplied you did not consume the actual foo method from the object you imported.
But if I understand correctly, you could achieve this in one of 2 ways:
export default function foo(a) { };
and consume the module with:
import foo from './<filename>.js';
Or alternatively, don't use the default export:
export function foo(a) {};
and consume with:
import { foo } from './<filename>.js';