I have looked at "What is a NullPointerException and how do I fix it?", although that question and its answers simply don't help. I understand my problem; the "NameTest" program is attempting to reference the "Name" object while it's null, but I'm not sure how to rework it to fix this, as I want the lastName, firstName, and fullName to be accessible by all "Name" methods. In the "Name" program, I'm attempting to create a "Name" class, with which a blank name object can be created, and then later assign a String/Stringbuffer value (depending which would work better) with setName() method. Here is the "Name" code:
public class Name
private StringBuffer lastName;
private StringBuffer firstName;
private StringBuffer fullName;
public Name()
lastName.replace( 0, 0, "" );
firstName.replace( 0, 0, "" );
fullName.replace( 0, 0, "" );
public Name( String lN, String fiN )
lastName.replace( 0, lN.length() - 1, lN );
firstName.replace( 0, fiN.length() - 1, fiN );
fullName.replace( 0, (lastName.length() + firstName.length()) + 2, lastName + ", " + firstName);
public Name( String fuN )
String[] fuNTemp = fuN.split( ", " );
lastName.replace( 0, fuNTemp[0].length() - 1, fuNTemp[0] );
firstName.replace( 0, fuNTemp[1].length() - 1, fuNTemp[1] );
fullName.replace( 0, (lastName.length() + firstName.length()) + 2, lastName + ", " + firstName);
public void setName( String n )
String[] nTemp = n.split( ", " );
lastName.replace( 0, nTemp[0].length() - 1, nTemp[0] );
firstName.replace( 0, nTemp[1].length() - 1, nTemp[1] );
fullName.replace( 0, (lastName.length() + firstName.length()) + 2, lastName + ", " + firstName);
public void setName( String lN, String fiN )
lastName.equals( lN );
firstName.equals( fiN );
fullName.equals( lastName + ", " + firstName );
public StringBuffer getName()
return fullName;
Here is the program "NameTest", which I created simply to help figure out "Name":
public class NameTest
public static void main( String [] args )
Name test = new Name();
System.out.println( test.getName() );
String Doe = new String( "Doe" );
String John = new String( "John" );
test.setName( Doe, John );
System.out.println( test.getName() );
Here is the error message from "NameTest":
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Name.<init>(Name.java:9)
at NameTest.main(NameTest.java:5)
The NullPointerException
in your Name
class is happening because you are trying to access it when its value is null
. The value is null
because that is the default value for non-primitive variable types. N K Raju has a good tutorial on data types on his Google site.
To solve your problem, initialize the lastName
, firstName
, and fullName
variables before using them in your constructors.
Example with no arguments:
public Name() {
lastName = new StringBuffer();
firstName = new StringBuffer();
fullName = new StringBuffer();
Example with arguments:
public Name(String lN, String fiN) {
lastName = new StringBuffer(lN);
firstName = new StringBuffer(fiN);
fullName = new StringBuffer(lN + ", " + fiN);