I have perfectly initialized $stateProvider and I'm using all this states with ui-sref. Works great. User presses the button and thorugh the $stateProvider goes to the edit page.
On this page I have a form which does $http request:
this.pushData = function (data) {
$http.post('/data/' + $stateParams.dataId + '/otherdata', JSON.stringify({
id: otherdata.id,
name: otherdata.name
}), configAuth).then(
function success(response) {
var addedData = response.data;
$.notify({message: addedData.name + " has been added"},{type:'success'});
$state.go('roleInfo({roleId: $stateParams.roleId})');
function error(data) {
$.notify({message: data.data.message},{type:'danger'});
And I want to do redirect to other view if everything is fine. But this:
$state.go('roleInfo({roleId: $stateParams.roleId})');
doesn't work. How can I do $state.go with params?
The way you are trying that would work with ui-sref
directive, while calling it using $state.go
method, you should pass 1st parameter is stateName
& then pass params in Object
$state.go('roleInfo', {roleId: $stateParams.roleId});