I was reading O'REILLY Java8 pocket guide when I came across this advise about unboxing [On page 30]
Note: For these examples, primitive variables end with a capitalP. This is not the convention.
The following example shows an acceptable but not recommended use of unboxing
Establish the weight allowance
weightLimitP = weightLimitP + weightAllowanceW;
It is better to write this expression with the intValue()
method, as shown here:
weightLimitP = weightLimitP + weightAllowanceW.intValue();
Question: What I would like to know here is why is the second approach a better way? I mean, in what terms is it 'better'. How is it different from unboxing by itself
Note: The wrapper class in this example is Integer
Those two code snippets will generate exactly the same bytecode. So "better" is purely a matter of style and, thus, opinion.