In my app I'm using library for serializaion, but I have problem with this class:
case class FooResult(var id: Option[String], jobId: String, completedAt: DateTime, result: JsValue) extends JobResult
implicit val JobResultFormat: RootJsonFormat[JobResult] = {
import shapeless._
Without result field of type JsValue everything works fine but with it i have following exception:
[error] /home/mgosk/projects/spark-service/spark-rest-api/src/main/scala/com/xxx/http/services/SparkService.scala:134: ambiguous implicit values:
[error] both object JsValueFormat in trait AdditionalFormats of type
[error] and method familyFormat in trait LowPriorityFamilyFormats of type [T, Repr](implicit gen: shapeless.LabelledGeneric.Aux[T,Repr], implicit sg: shapeless.Cached[shapeless.Strict[[T,Repr]]], implicit tpe: shapeless.Typeable[T])spray.json.RootJsonFormat[T]
[error] match expected type spray.json.JsonFormat[spray.json.JsValue]
Any advices how to handle it.
I solved my problem by changing result to JsObject
and cleaning project before rebuild.
case class FooResult(var id: Option[String], jobId: String, completedAt: DateTime, result: JsObject) extends JobResult