I call a Weather API - which returns Json response. My C# Code-
Uri uri1 = new Uri(APIUrl);
WebRequest webRequest1 = WebRequest.Create(uri1);
WebResponse response1 = webRequest1.GetResponse();
StreamReader streamReader1 = new StreamReader(response1.GetResponseStream());
String responseData1 = streamReader1.ReadToEnd().ToString();
dynamic data1 = JObject.Parse(responseData1 )
I get Exception while calling Parse as below- An unhandled exception of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException' occurred in Newtonsoft.Json.dll
Additional information: Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: StartArray. Path '', line 1, position 1.
My Analysis- responseData1 has json strings as-
responseData1="[{\"locationName\":\"Bangalore\",\"subLocationName\":null,\"gid\":\"43295\",\"subStateID\":null,\"subStateName\":null,\"stateID\":\"II\",\"stateName\":\"Indien\",\"latitude\":12.9667,\"longitude\":77.5833,\"altitude\":900,\"zip\":null}\n, {\"match\":\"yes\"}]"
If i check this json in http://jsonlint.com/ - It says valid json.
If i hit my APIUrl directly in browser- repose in browser is as below-
[{"locationName":"Bangalore","subLocationName":null,"gid":"43295","subStateID":null,"subStateName":null,"stateID":"II","stateName":"Indien","latitude":12.9667,"longitude":77.5833,"altitude":900,"zip":null}, {"match":"yes"}]
My aim is to read the value of property "gid" from the above json. Can someone help me here? Thanks!
You're using the JObject class, when you should be using the JArray class, because the JSON you're attempting to parse is an array - not an object: