I am working on bxslider jquery plugin. I am including the videos also. If the current slider is video means when i will click the next button, the current video will be pause and when i come again that video slider that video will be auto play where the video was paused.I need to handle all the video like this. I use video tag for video.
please try this.
Here is the API document of bxslider.
Executes immediately before each slide transition.
So we pause all the video when this event triggered.
$bxslider.find('video').each(function() {
Executes immediately after each slide transition. Function argument is the current slide element (when transition completes).
So we play the video which is in current active slide.
// arguments:
// $slideElement: jQuery element of the destination element
// get the video element, assume only one video in each slide
var video = $slideElement.find('video')[0];
// if this slide contains video and video has been played then continue the video
video !== undefined && video.currentTime !== 0 && video.play();