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new Edit Area and coordinates

Ok I edit my code, what I want to do is simple I have a big shape with corrdinates(x,y). what I want to do is resize my primitive shape, store it inside new figure inside a class called "new" and move this new shape to the cordinates (x,y) I want.

// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Base class Shape

class Shape 

Shape(int inwidth, int inheight): width(inwidth), height(inheight){
void ResizeW(int w)
 width = w;
void ResizeH(int h)
 height = h;
 void moveF(int x_delta, int y_delta) 
x1 = x_delta;
y1 = y_delta;
x2 = x_delta;
y2 = y_delta;


int x1=0, y1=0, x2=5, y2=6;
int width;
int height;

 // Primitive Shapes

 class Ps2: public Shape

Ps2 (int width, int height): Shape(width, height){
int getArea()
    return (width * height);

 // Derived Shapes

class New: public Ps2 

 int x1_relativ, y1_relativ, x2_relativ, y2_relativ;
 int area;
 New(): Ps2(8, 4), area(getArea()){ }

 int main(void)
 New kit;
 moveF.kit (4, 3, 5, 7);
 std::cout << "Total area: " << kit.getArea();
 std::cout << "Cordinates are: " << kit.moveF();

 return 0;

Now I have four errors: In function 'int main()': 66:6: error: 'moveF' was not declared in this scope 68:51: error: no matching function for call to 'New::moveF()' 68:51: note: candidate is: 21:11: note: void Shape::moveF(int, int) 21:11: note: candidate expects 2 arguments, 0 provided. Also I don't think i'm able to use "move.f" I created any help?


  • Well, the compiler tells you exactly what the problem is:

    moveF.kit (4, 3, 5, 7);

    is no valid code. Did you mean kit.moveF? Also, why four parameters? moveF has two.

    std::cout << "Cordinates are: " << kit.moveF();

    has two errors, first, moveF requires two parameters which you don't provide, second, kit.moveF is a void and therefore will not produce anything that std::cout can display.

    Also, your attributes x1, x2, y1, y2 can't be accessed from outside. This doesn't seem to be intended. A derived class could access them, but there is none that does right now.

    Furthermore, New is a horrible name for a class. Confused me at first to see New kit;. New is obviously not reserved, but it feels reserved, if you know what I mean.

    My advice is that you read a tutorial regarding classes and methods. It seems that your understanding how methods work is flawed.